Audio Installation, 4 channels, mono, loop, 2023
"Risonanze Eversive" (subversive resonances) is an outdoor sound installation conceived for the exhibition “Eden on Demand”. Through mini speakers positioned in the middle of the central gallery and in other areas of the garden, 4 different "games" of voices emitted by the artists involved and other people will be reproduced. The peculiarity of these vocal emissions lies in the attempt to reproduce children's sounds.
"...For the exhibition Sadao has created "Risonanze eversive", a sound installation to be listened to in the garden overlooking Corso Garibaldi, the regenerating heart of old Milan, a persuasive and hypnotic call like the song of the sirens for Ulysses. Walking in the garden of the CAM you can hear vocal emissions such as the lip noise followed by a hiss (psss psss) a childish way to draw someone's attention to something, the guttural voice, falsettos, clicks and other embarrassing sound intermittences for adults, as if to remind us of the children we were in a metaphorical childhood Eden in the age of innocence, authenticity, taken not by consuming experiences, relationships as if they were goods but by the enchantment of a world yet to be discovered. The title ironically underlines the embarrassment that the adult feels in emitting unconventional sounds or words without meaning: it is an invitation to recover spontaneity and
desire for uncontaminated landscapes balanced between reality and fiction."
​Jacqueline Ceresoli
​Eden on Demand, CAM Garibaldi-Chiostro Bramantesco, Milan, Italy,
10-25 May 2023.